Sunday, September 23, 2012

Phil History Take Home Exam


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Take Home Exam.


A compulsory law was passed by the government requiring every Filipino citizen to attend school until he/she finishes high school. On the other hand, the religion of Riveroism believes that compulsory education should be limited only until grade six. The religion of Riveroism is a conservative religion that believes that the bible only requires the fundamental knowledge and that every faithful of their religion should live by the land as farmers so as to honor God.
Thus, four Riveroism families sued the Department of Education over its requirement that children be enrolled in school until the age of sixteen. The parents refused to comply by removing their children from school after they completed the grade six. The families claimed that their rights to freely exercising their religion were not being respected.

Question: Whether the country’s interest in educating citizens outweighs the religious freedom of parents to raise their children according to the dictates of their faith or vice versa.

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