Tuesday, January 4, 2011

project (Philo and Socio Classes)

name of the project: You can change the world in my own little ways
rationale: karl marx said that there are so many isms in the world but the real challenge is how to change the world. As such, beyond the learning that you get inside the class rooms, the greater challenge is for you to become an influence of good change in your own little spheres of influence. More so that as skolars ng bayan, you are indebted to the society to give back. This is one of your duties as government scholars and as agents of change.

what are you going to do: you can do anything that you want, as long as you are going to do social good. you have all the leeway that you want. be as creative as you like.

sample activities: volunter in your church, be a tutor, go to home for the aged or boys town, do an environmental clean-up, feeding program, ala day-off, clean the streets in your barangay, launch a campaign, help out a friend or relative or even stranger in need, become a back up singer for a harana....you can see works of my previous classes posted in this blog.

things to submit: i need documentation, video or document of the project. explain also why that is your chosen project.

things to remember: be on the look-out for your own safety. the project need not be expensive. it could be very simple yet meaningful. as i have said it could be any project as long as you do good.

when due: february 14.

maximum of five members per group

1 comment:

  1. http://www.existence-of-god.com/does-god-exist.html

    sir nacurious po tuloy ako sa discussion knina .. to make clariffication i checked out this site sir
    (personal faith) hehe
