Friday, July 10, 2009

defining art

Before anything else, a few words about art. Art has been part of human existence even before mankind decorated the first cave.

Homo sapien has compulsion to create an art for ceremonial, celebratory, religious, decorative and for other reasons.

But really what is Art?
Answer: what would you like it to be?

Artists would reject the need to classify it or respond by saying it is what they say it is.

Hence, if art cannot be defined subjectively or objectively by looking at it, it is equally clear that art is not definable by any particular litmus test.

Broadly, things have been categorized art if 1) they sell 2) creators offer them for sale 3) paradoxically, they are designated as art.

While consensus might be obtained on image that have become veritable archetype as art, like the Mona Lisa, as to just what particular things are to be art and that ought not, things generally are still fuzzy.

Judicial definition

standard use in courts is: I know it when i see it! Some rely on dictionary definition. Still, many rely on subjective definition.

"One man's mural is another's graffiti"

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